• May 11, 1962
  • 105 min
  • Full-HD

A Monkey in Winter (1962)

The story of a man who has stopped drinking- and then dreaming- and who thanks to a young man who tries to forget a lost love in alcohol will turn drunk again during an exciting night.

Compagnie Internationale de Productions Cinématographiques (CIPRA) Cité Films

Jean Gabin

Albert Quentin

Jean-Paul Belmondo

Gabriel Fouquet

Suzanne Flon

Suzanne Quentin

Gabrielle Dorziat

Mme Victoria, la directrice

Hella Petri

Georgina, la patronne du bar

Marcelle Arnold

l'infirmière de la pension

Charles Bouillaud

le chauffeur de taxi

Anne-Marie Coffinet

Simone, une serveuse

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