• Oct 31, 1997
  • 107 min
  • Full-HD

Critical Care (1997)

Werner Ernst is a young hospital resident who becomes embroiled in a legal battle between two half-sisters who are fighting over the care of their comatose father. But are they really fighting over their father's care, or over his $10 million estate? Meanwhile, Werner must contend with his nutty supervisor, who insists that he only care for patients with full insurance. Can Werner sidestep the hospital's legal team and do what's best for the patient?

United States of America Australia
Mediaworks ASQA Film Partnership Live Entertainment Village Roadshow Entertainment

James Spader

Dr. Werner Ernst

Kyra Sedgwick

Felicia E. Potter

Helen Mirren


Albert Brooks

Dr. Butz

Anne Bancroft


Wallace Shawn


Jeffrey Wright

Rafael ("Bed Two")

Margo Martindale

Constance 'Connie' Potter

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