• Nov 03, 2021
  • 0 min
  • Full-HD

Family Budget (2021)

A friendly family from Krasnodar - mom is a piano teacher, dad is an attraction designer, a blogger daughter and a romantic son - like many, buys an apartment on a mortgage. However, it soon turns out that there is nothing to pay for it. Now, in order not to stay on the street, the Frolovs do anything. To live a week with the whole family for 200 rubles? Easy! Play a classical concert dressed as an octopus? No problem! Become a social media star? You can also be a star. The Frolovs' monetary adventures turn into a comedy course in financial literacy for all Russian families.

Droog Drooga

Yuliya Aleksandrova

Люба Фролова

Anton Filipenko

Сергей Фролов

Valentina Lyapina

Ксюша Фролова

Georgy Strelyannyy

Тима Фролов

Fyodor Insarov

в роли самого себя

Sergey Styopin


Sergey Epishev


Arseniy Popov


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