• Oct 28, 1966
  • 94 min
  • Full-HD

The Murderer Hides His Face (1966)

In the forest near the village of Drahovice, a nurse from the local health center is found murdered. Three months ago, another young woman died nearby and a sexual motive was proved in the case of her murder. In the case of the nurse, the motives are not so clear. Two criminologists from Prague - Major Kalas (Rudolf Hrusínský) and Lieutenant Varga (Radoslav Brzobohatý) - patiently collect all available leads and question the villagers.

Filmové studio Barrandov

Rudolf Hrušínský

major SNB Kalaš

Radoslav Brzobohatý

nadporučík SNB Varga

Jiří Pleskot

poručík VB Louda

Ferdinand Krůta

správce ze zámečku Jiří Král

Ludmila Roubíková

Králová, správcova žena

Zuzana Ondrouchová

Radka, dcera Králové

Zdeněk Kutil

vedoucí statku Král, Jiřího bratr

Jaroslav Moučka

hajný Bureš

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